Blog Post

Newegg Google Offer Hiccups

Newegg ran a special promotion “$40 for $20” on Google Offer this Cyber Monday. The offer caused performance hiccups for both Google Offers and Newegg. ran a special promotion “$40 for $20” on Google Offer this CyberMonday. The offer attracted a large number of web users, and caused performance hiccups for both Google Offers and

Google Offers website was accessible, however users encountered various types of servers while trying to purchase the offer.

The most common error was: “Oh no! There was an issue loading your account information. This is probably just a server hiccup. Try reloading this page in a few minutes.” The problem lasted for about 30 minutes.

Google Offer Failure

Google Offer Failure website started experiencing slowness or was un-responsive starting 12:00 PM EDT and is still having problems are of 1:40 PM EDT. Web Performance - Cybermonday Offer Web Performance – CyberMonday Offer

The Catchpoint Team.

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