SLA Management

Depend on an independent arbiter to help manage SLAs

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SLA mismanagement is not only costly,
it’s a lost opportunity

SLA service disputes can take a long time. They can damage brand reputation and lead to substantial financial payouts. They can also be difficult to resolve between conflicting perspectives. It can be hard to determine if the vendor or client has the strongest case.

Based on these management challenges, both vendors and clients need the ability to objectively manage SLAs and resolve disputes. Catchpoint does this better than any other provider, with its purpose-built architecture giving the most trustworthy data on the planet.

Confidently know you are meeting customer expectations

Establish and monitor your service level indicators with neutral, third-party data to objectively validate you are delivering on business products and services.

Prevent garbage in, prevent garbage out

Implement maintenance schedules or reclassify out of scope data as needed to ensure you are looking at the right things.

Tie data explicitly to your business objectives

Manage SLAs by tracking availability and performance SLIs to ensure they meet their SLOs on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Handle customer complaints objectively

Validate or invalidate customer complaints around digital experience with independent, third-party SLA reports.

Keep your lawyers happy

Be primed and ready for long-term disputes with access to insanely long-term raw data retention.

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Stop Internet outages in their tracks. We can help.

Improve vendor accountability and collaboration

You need data you can objectively trust to not only hold vendors to account when violations do occur, but to share with service providers during outages and service degradation for faster, collaborative troubleshooting.

Reduce MTTR with actionable intelligence

Receive real-time alerts and notifications when thresholds are exceeded so you can initiate vendor management playbooks.

Preserve data fidelity to ensure accountability

Specify the frequency and level of data granularity necessary to match any given use case.

Foster open, transparent communications

Share trustworthy data securely and easily with all your vendors and external partners to promote integrity and collaboration.

Validate compliance status

Determine SLA compliance from your perspective using the world's largest set of digital experience signal sources.

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Solution Brief

Customer Experience

White Paper

Protecting Revenue Through SLA Monitoring