Assure resilience across all stages of your DevOps lifecycle
Automate the monitoring of your toolchains and CI/CD pipelines with IPM to improve your time-to-market and respond quicker to customer feedback.

What is the business impact of lost development time?
DevOps toolchains and pipelines are supported by an entire ecosystem of tools, platforms, and people. They are distributed all over the Internet and require high levels of network interconnection. They also require a common set of monitors and measurements across all stages, so teams do not respond differently to different signals - or worse, noise.
How do teams ensure they can deploy frequently, recover from incidents faster, and ultimately improve time-to-market? The answer is Catchpoint. Catchpoint's IPM platform allows you catch issues earlier - when they are easier and cheaper to fix - and gain valuable insights into the user's experience and business KPIs.
Be agile and stable
Achieve the balance between enabling business innovation and maintaining reliability

“as Code” automations and integrations
Automate provisioning and data instruments – like testing, monitoring, or alerting – with robust APIs to streamline, improve efficiency, and respond to customer needs at the speed of business.
Shift wide – left and right
IPM standardizes the monitors and measures across all stages of the DevOps lifecycle allowing developers and operations to speak the same language and ensure that teams are not responding differently to mixed signals or noise.
Monitor your toolchains and platforms
Monitor hyper-distributed, “as a service” tooling and platforms where traditional APM or NPM have no reach.
Stop Internet outages in their tracks. We can help.
Deliver resilient experiences at the intersection of your workforce, customers, platforms, and partners
Ensure resilient connectivity
The Internet is your workforce and CI/CD integration platform. Ensure resilient connectivity for your anywhere, anytime workforce, customers, platforms, and partners.
Provide great developer experiences
Provide a templated composition of suites and capabilities to ensure the golden path for your DevEx and platform engineering initiatives are without high cognitive load.
Monitor the canaries
Directly monitor incremental releases or feature flags from the experience perspective to lessen risk and prevent having to make a difficult choice between high agility and high stability.