Blog Post

Beta Release of Real User Monitoring

We are excited to announce the beta launch of real user monitoring. RUM lets you track the performance of actual visitors to your websites or web applications.

Today we are excited to announce the beta launch of Catchpoint Glimpse™, which will provide “real user monitoring”: Real user monitoring lets you track the performance of actual visitors to your websites or web applications.

Catchpoint Glimpse provides multiple metrics to gauge user performance and pinpoint user problems. It is easy to correlate data collected from Glimpse and Catchpoint synthetic tests within one interface, providing a clear understanding of the impact any problems have on your site’s visitors.

With this new release we will support important industry standards, making Catchpoint reports instantly understood throughout and beyond your organization:

– Apdex (Application Performance Index) is an open standard developed by an alliance of companies that defines a standardized method to report, benchmark, and track application performance. (Visit

You can read this great presentation about how Apdex can help your organization:

Catchpoint Supports the APDEX standard

Compare Site Performance to your APDEX Score

– HAR (HTTP Archive) is a standard for capturing or translating waterfall reports and viewing them on a wide range of tools.

Working hard on next release for early august, with more tools & features to make Monitoring Sexy, Easier and Stress Free.


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