Glossary of Terms

Digital Experience Observability

Digital Experience Observability is a methodology that eliminates blind spots and prevents outages that negatively impact digital user experience. The goal is to transform observed telemetry data from the entire digital delivery chain into preventative actions.

This involves a process of collecting active and passive telemetry data from all the critical points in the end-to-end path involved in
producing, enhancing and delivering digital experiences to users.

This will typically involve the application hosting environment and associated infrastructure including VMs, servers, microservices
etc., the digital internet-based services, e.g., DNS, CDN, security that are required to secure an enhance an application, and the networks and associated protocols involved in delivering the application to the user and, the browser or physical end point device user utilize to access the application.

Every one of these layers plays a critical role in delivering the application to its intended user and can have a detrimental impact if it suffers a failure. It’s hence critical that all these layers are actively observed and monitored, in order to assure the application provider that the target audience is having an optimal digital experience.