Blog Post

How a SaaS Provider Can Take Advantage Catchpoint OnPrem Agent

OnPrem Agent is ideal for SaaS providers to ensure that your users are getting the exceptional experience they expect from your products.

We’ve talked before in this space about how Catchpoint’s OnPrem Agent can bring the power of Catchpoint’s Synthetic Monitoring to anywhere you want it. We’ve also talked about the importance of service level agreement monitoring to ensure that IT service providers are delivering the contracted level of service.

Put the two together—the portability of OnPrem Agent and the importance of service level agreements in the increasingly on-demand world of IT—and you’ve got a clear use case for OnPrem Agent among software-as-a-service providers.

OnPrem Agent can deliver “first-mile” monitoring capabilities at the data center where the SaaS offering is hosted. This can help ensure that the delivery of the SaaS offering is free of performance issues before it hits the Internet on its way to the customer or subscriber.

OnPrem Agent can also be used for last-mile monitoring at the customer site, whether installed there by the SaaS provider at a particularly large and valuable customer site or installed by the customer itself to monitor performance levels of the SaaS offering for its users. Monitoring at both ends of the IT service chain, with Synthetic Monitoring to check performance between endpoints, can be used to pinpoint the cause of performance issues and ensure that service level agreements are adhered to.

Delivering on contracted service levels is how SaaS and other IT service providers build trust with their customers, growing their own businesses and helping customers to grow theirs.

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