Blog Post

Catchpoint NSONE Integration

Catchpoint has integrated with NSONE, DNS platform, to deliver more amazing user experiences. Learn more about the benefits here.

Most modern technology is driven by the desire to make every day tasks more efficient. Whether it’s wearable technology or a SaaS business tool, speed and ease-of-use are almost always at the core of their innovation.

For that reason, Catchpoint has always made third party integrations a key product focus. We strive to make our users’ jobs even just a little easier by putting all of their tools in one place, including NSONE.

NSONE is a DNS platform built to help companies achieve flexibility and high power performance for their applications and content on a global scale.

Our partnership with NSONE will allow users to utilize Catchpoint as a data source delivering the NSONE traffic management platform. Pairing the two technologies puts complete control into your hands, and offering clear visibility into their performance.

Extensive analytics play a critical role in achieving optimal performance and improving your users’ experiences. Our integration with NSONE gives you access to the most comprehensive set of data and analytics features to detect and preempt issues before your users are impacted.

For example, an NSONE user might opt to use CDN vendor A in another country due the CDN’s better performance in that market, and a different CDN for another location. However, if CDN A happens to fail in that country, then traffic should be rerouted to the second CDN. This is a typical failsafe plan to mitigate major performance outages, but if the initial issue isn’t detected until late, or not detected at all, then the issue will continue to escalate. Using Catchpoint in conjunction with NSONE allows users to ensure that all of their vendors are running properly, and will alert them when a failure occurs.

By joining forces with NSONE, we are arming you with the capability to deliver the best possible service to your users and provide them with the experience they’ve come to expect.

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