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IT leaders are faced with new challenges to monitor digital applications and deliver powerful digital employee experiences
IT teams face many visibility challenges due to the massive shift to remote work due to the Coronavirus outbreak. This includes the variability of home network environments, reliance on SaaS and cloud applications, the unpredictability of Internet transport, and higher congestion than ever before. How do you overcome these monitoring challenges? In this post, we provide a summary of some of the important takeaways from our recent webcast with guest, Rich Lane from Forrester on “Managing Remote Employee Experience”.
Over the past couple of months, Forrester has fielded dozens of inquiries from companies across the globe that are transitioning their workforce from the office into the home. According to Rich Lane, Forrester Senior Analyst, some of the top inquiries received from clients responsible for monitoring remote teams include:
The rise in remote working has brought a new set of challenges that did not exist when employees worked exclusively from an office and the end users are complaining. IT is under constant pressure to maintain performance of applications the workforce depends on. So, where do you start? According to Forrester, the teams on the frontline monitoring employee experience within an enterprise include:
As enterprises shift to remote work operations, they need to be prepared to adjust employee experience strategies and re-think how to deliver services to employees. Some of the concerns from the teams on the frontline of employee experience include:
So how do enterprises figure this out, what are the best practices? Forrester has published extensive research on employee experience and remote work to help organizations successfully make the transition. Some best practices every enterprise can follow include:
In upcoming weeks, we’ll share how leading organizations like TMNA Services solved many of the challenges discussed in today’s post using Catchpoint’s Employee Experience Monitoring Solution.
Watch a playback of our recent webcast on “Managing Remote Employee Experience Featuring Insights from Forrester” here.