Blog Post

Catchpoint June 2011 Release

Learn more about the new version of Catchpoint and which new features and enhancements it has.

Well Summer is here, it’s going to be a hot one, not in Celsius or Fahrenheit but in Catchpoint Features! This release, we really focused on enhancing our analytics capabilities. So here are some of the new features in Catchpoint:

Analysis by Hour of Day and Day of Week:

Catchpoint has the ability to chart data by Day of Week and by Hour of Day to help you profile your applications by day or hour. You can chart any of the metrics we provide, no limitation, and you can trim the data and filter as needed.

Here is the web performance of Amazon homepage for the last 4 months by day of week:

Amazon Web Performance by Day of Week

The web performance of Amazon homepage for the past 4 months by hour of day:

Amazon Web Performance by Hour of Day

Looking at another site, here is the Google Search Result  Response time by Hour of Day for the past 4 month coupled with the Google server search time (as provided in the results page):

Google Response Time with Google Backend Search by Hour of Day

Default Statistical Value in Charting Engine.

We all know that Averages can lie – especially in web performance. Some people prefer to look at Median, and other Geometrical Mean. Catchpoint has the ability to specify which statistical value to use in the performance chart, without having to go to our Statistical charts view. You can select from Average (default), Geometrical Mean, Median, and Standard Deviation.

New Statistical Models.

We added 99th and Geometrical Standard Deviation to the existing 8 statistical values we currently support: Average, 95th, 85th, 75th, Standard Deviation, IQR, Median, and Geometrical Mean.

Ability to Filter on Failure:

We added the ability to trim out data based on Success or Failure. When focusing on failures, you can trim out all successful test runs. When analyzing performance over time, you can trim out failed test runs which skew the results.

Raw Data Download:

Catchpoint users can download the Raw results as a CSV file in Scatterplot charts. The CSV will include time of the test, node it ran on, Host IP Address, all the collected metrics (32 for IE8 Agent), failure groups, all Insight indicators, and up to 5 Insight tracepoints per test.

5 Minute Breakdown for Scheduled Reports.

We added the ability to have 5 minute interval breakdown in the hourly scheduled reports.

Amazon Hourly Report

Sill have plenty to release over this summer, stay tunned.

The Catchpoint Team.

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