
How to Read a Traceroute

The traceroute tool is one of the simplest yet most helpful tools you can use to troubleshoot network issues. This tool is built into virtually every operating system, so no matter what type of computer you are working on, you will have it available. Traceroute runs a connection test from one computer to another device, showing each “hop” that it takes between devices on the network.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the fundamentals of traceroute and how it works in some of the most popular operating systems.  We’ll see some examples of its operation, examine the differences in how it is implemented in each OS, and discuss the various limitations these conventional implementations of traceroute often have.  Finally, we’ll showcase Catchpoint’s alternative and explain its advantages compared to traditional traceroute implementations.

Traceroute - Understanding what it does

To see traceroute in action, we can begin with a simple example of running a traceroute from your computer to Catchpoint’s servers. The specific results will be different for each person. However, in most cases, the results will show you somewhere around 4-20 “hops” that packets take to get from your computer to Catchpoint’s servers and back. The first one would likely be your local router, and from there the data will take multiple “hops” through your internal network and out through your internet service provider (ISP) and over the Internet, before finally reaching Catchpoint’s servers.

Figure 1 shows an example of what you might see on the command prompt of a Windows computer.

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19043.1288]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Michael>tracert catchpoint.com
Tracing route to catchpoint.com []
Over a maximum of 30 hops: 
1	2ms	1ms	1ms
2 	10ms	10ms	10ms
3	10ms	11ms	12ms
4	10ms	16ms	10ms
5	19ms	16ms	20ms
6	15ms	19ms	14ms
7          	19ms 	22ms 	21ms 	be-32121-cs02.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net []
8          	22ms 	34ms 	22ms 	be-2204-pe04.350ecermak.il.ibone.comcast.net []
9          	22ms 	20ms 	20ms
10       	51ms 	50ms 	49ms 	ae18-0.cr02.dlls02-tx.us.windstream.net []
11       	73ms 	72ms 	72ms 	ae4-0.agr03.phnd01-az.us.windstream.net []
12       	84ms 	73ms 	75ms 	ae1-0.pe05.phnd01-az.us.windstream.net []
13       	85ms 	84ms 	85ms 	h241.23.132.40.static.ip.windstream.net []
14       	*         	82ms 	78ms 	be181.las-n10s1-core1.switch.com []
15       	79ms 	77ms 	80ms 	bell011.las-agg7s5-1.switch.com []
16       	79ms 	77ms 	79ms
17       	77ms 	77ms 	87ms
Trace complete

Understanding how to run this tool, and what all the different information displayed when you run a traceroute command means, will help you when troubleshooting various types of problems.

The Anatomy of Traceroute

Traceroute is often associated with the closely related ping tool. As such, it is often thought that, like ping, it is standardized across all platforms and operating systems, whether you are using Windows, macOS, or Linux. However, this is not the case.

Where ping’s underlying operation typically functions identically on virtually all OSes using the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), traceroute has very different implementations on each operating system. While traceroute's core functionality is the same across all platforms, there are differences in the actual protocols and mechanisms used to deliver that functionality. Implementation and even command syntax and output may differ.

Underlying support protocol

One of the major differences has to do with the underlying support protocol that is used.  On a Windows device, traceroute uses ICMP exclusively.  This is the same protocol used for ping.  Although extremely versatile, it does have its limitations, which we’ll touch on shortly.

On the other hand, both macOS and Linux use UDP by default to perform traceroute operations. Even so, the tool can be configured to use either ICMP or TCP as well. This gives much more versatility in the tool's use, especially when it comes to the limitations that are often imposed on the use of ICMP for diagnostic operations.

In the following sections, we’ll show you how to run traceroute on a Windows device and highlight some of the differences in implementation between using this tool on macOS and Linux.

How to run the Traceroute command on Windows

Running a traceroute is very simple. The first step is to bring up a command prompt on your computer. The specific method to bring this up will depend on what operating system you are using. For Windows 10, for example, you can simply click on the start button and type CMD to bring up the options below.

Figure 2: Command Prompt options in Windows 10.

From here, simply click on the Command Prompt app to open it up. When your command prompt has loaded, just type the command tracert followed by the destination you want to use to run the test. For example, to run a test to catchpoint.com you would type tracert catchpoint.com and hit enter. (For Linux and macOS devices, you would type traceroute catchpoint.com instead.)

Available options for the Traceroute command

In most cases, the default traceroute command will give you the information you need. There are, however, some additional options that you can use to get more details or change how the command runs.

Accessing these options is done by adding in one or more option flags after the traceroute command and before the destination. On Windows-based machines, the flags for various options start with a “/”. For example: tracert /d catchpoint.com.

The following are the most commonly used options that you can choose from and what they do:

  • /d — This flag stops the attempt to resolve an IP address to a domain name at each hop. This can speed up the trace and provide you with a clear list of IPs at each hop that is not cluttered with full domain names.
  • /h — Use this flag to specify the maximum number of hops; the default is 30. Increasing this limit may be necessary for destinations that are far away. To set the maximum number of hops to 45, for example, you would type tracert /h 45 catchpoint.com .
  • /w — This sets the amount of time that the command will wait at a hop before timing out, measured in milliseconds. The default is 4 seconds (4,000 milliseconds). Type /w 6000, for example, to set the timeout to 6 seconds.
  • /4 or /6 — Using the /4 or /6 flag makes it so the traceroute command will only use either IPv4 or IPv6 hops for the command.
  • /h — This will bring up help information about the traceroute command.


How to read the results from a Traceroute

One of the best things about the traceroute tool is that once you learn how to read the results, you can understand the information it provides with just a quick glance. When you look at the example results of the traceroute listed above, you will see several key pieces of information.

The following table breaks down the key information you will see:

Hop Number RTT Attempt 1 RTT Attempt 2 RTT Attempt 3 Hop Details
1 2ms 1ms 1ms
2 10ms 10ms 10ms
3 10ms 11ms 12ms

Hop Number

Hop Number RTT Attempt 1 RTT Attempt 2 RTT Attempt 3 Hop Details
1 2ms 1ms 1ms
2 10ms 10ms 10ms
3 10ms 11ms 12ms

The first column just tells you which hop the trace is on. Whenever you access the Internet (or even data on an internal network), the data travels from one piece of hardware to another. These will typically be routers, but could also be switches, servers, or even computers. Each of these pieces of hardware that the data goes through is considered a hop.

The total number of hops that a connection goes through will depend on many factors, the most important of which is the physical locations where you run the command and the destination.

Round Trip Time (RTT) Results

Hop Number RTT Attempt 1 RTT Attempt 2 RTT Attempt 3 Hop Details
1 2ms 1ms 1ms
2 10ms 10ms 10ms
3 10ms 11ms 12ms

The next three columns (Table 3) show the amount of time it took data to go from the source (typically your computer) to that hop and back. This is measured in milliseconds.

When running the traceroute command, you are sending data to each hop three times. The first column is the amount of time it took the first time, the second is for the second attempt, and the third is for the last attempt. When everything is running properly, the round-trip time for each attempt should be similar.

Hop Name and IP Address

Hop Number RTT Attempt 1 RTT Attempt 2 RTT Attempt 3 Hop Details
1 2ms 1ms 1ms
2 10ms 10ms 10ms
3 10ms 11ms 12ms

The final column is where the name, IP address, or other information about the hop is displayed. The information displayed here is determined by the settings on the hop itself.

Some devices are set to only display their IP addresses. Others will also display the device name or other information. In some cases, the owner of the device has set it up so that it will not reveal any information at all, in which case you will simply see an asterisk (*) for that particular hop.

Common problems discovered with Traceroute

You can use this command to look for a variety of different types of network issues to determine what types of problems may be present based on the results displayed.

Asterisks (Timeouts) at various points

The most common issue you will see with a traceroute is a timeout response, which is represented by an asterisk (*). These happen quite frequently and for a variety of different reasons. In the following example, you can see multiple hops have asterisks when attempting to run a traceroute to google.com.

C:\Users>tracert google.com
Tracing route to google.com [2607:f8b0:4009:819::200e]
Over a maximum of 30 hops:
1          	1ms    	1ms    	1ms    	2601:404:cf00:75c0:e2db:d1ff:fe1d:23ad
2          	8ms    	*         	*         	2001:558:4020:30::1
3          	9ms    	11ms 	13ms 	2001:558:112:3c0a::1
4          	12ms 	9ms    	10ms 	2001:558:110:b02c::1
5          	*         	20ms 	*         	2001:558:110:f1::1
6          	34ms 	20ms 	27ms 	2001:558:110:71::2
7          	*         	21ms 	21ms 	be-32131-cs03.350cermak.il.ibone.comcast.net [2001:558:3:2ae::1]
8          	21ms 	*         	*         	be-2311-pe11.350cermak.il.ibone.comcast.net [2001:558:3:72::2]
9          	20ms 	20ms 	21ms 	2001:559::11b2
10       	19ms 	20ms 	20ms 	2607:f8b0:831d::1
11       	22ms 	23ms 	23ms 	ord38s30-in-x0e.1e100.net [2607:f8b0:4009:819::200e]
Trace Complete

When you see an asterisk, it will mean one of the following things:

  • Single Asterisk on a Hop: This means that the request timed out on just one of the three attempts. This can be a sign that there is an intermittent problem at that hop.
  • Three Asterisks, Then Failure: If you see all three attempts at a hop have asterisks and then the traceroute errors out, it means that the hop is completely down.
  • Three Asterisks, Then Success: If you see three attempts at a hop failing but then the rest of the traceroute continues without an issue, that is actually not a problem at all. This simply means that (as mentioned earlier) the device at that hop is configured not to respond to pings or traceroutes so the attempt times out.

Elevated latency after one hop

If everything looks fine for several hops but then the response times jump up significantly at one point and each hop after that remains high, it likely means a problem either at that hop or on the connection between it and the previous one. Since the connection from you to each successive hop has to go through that one, they will all be impacted by the latency it is causing.

If you can identify where that hop is located, you can work with the owner of that connection to troubleshoot the problem. The issue will most often be with their data circuit.

If you do not know the owner of that connection and this latency is causing significant problems, you may be able to work with your Internet service provider to have your traffic routed around that point.

One hop of elevated latency

If you see one hop that has an elevated response time but then the rest of the hops return to normal, this is not anything to be concerned about. It simply means that the device at that hop is configured so that responding to traceroutes is a low priority, which causes this type of delay. While there may appear to be latency on the traceroute, that slowness will not impact normal internet traffic.

Comparison of Traceroute on Windows, macOS, and Linux

The above examples showcased the traceroute tool on a Windows device. The functionality is largely the same on macOS and Linux, with similar lists of responses, number of probes, and interpretation of output. However, there are differences in syntax, the options available for each, and the flexibility offered.

Linux and macOS traceroute origins

In general, Linux and macOS are very similar in their implementation of traceroute because of their shared roots in Unix-like systems.  Many command-line utilities in both systems adhere to similar standards that define operating system interfaces and environments. This standardization is why many commands, including traceroute behave similarly across different OSes.

Both of these latter OSes deliver much more flexibility in the traceroute tool than Windows, which is reflected in the many options that can be used.  More information about traceroute in a macOS and Linux environment can be found at these links.

Comparing and Contrasting traceroute on various OSes

The following table highlights some of the main differences between the implementation of traceroute on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems:

Feature Windows macOS Linux
Command Name tracert traceroute traceroute
Default Protocol ICMP Echo Requests UDP UDP
Change Protocol Not applicable (ICMP only) -I for ICMP, -T for TCP SYN -I for ICMP, -T for TCP SYN
Number of Probes per Hop 3 (fixed) 3 by default, can be changed with -q 3 by default, can be changed with -q
Default Number of maximum Hops 30 30 30
Options Limited (-d, -h, -w) Extensive (-m, -q, -p, etc.) Extensive (-m, -q, -p, etc.)
Continuous Tracing No No No
Output Format Simplified, with basic information Detailed with packet size, TTL, etc. Detailed with packet size, TTL, etc.
Installation Built-in (Command Prompt/PowerShell) Built-in (Terminal) Typically built-in, installable if missing
Customizable Timeout Yes, with -w (in milliseconds) Yes, with -W (in seconds) Yes, with -w or -W (in seconds)
Resolve Hostnames By default By default, can be disabled with -n By default, can be disabled with -n
IPv4/IPv6 Support Supports both, uses -4 or -6 to force Supports both, uses -4 or -6 to force Supports both, uses -4 or -6 to force
Packet Size Fixed (cannot be changed) Adjustable with -q Adjustable with -q

Limitations of Traditional Traceroute Implementations

There are many scenarios of network configurations and functionalities that can interfere with traditional traceroute implementations.  For this reason, the results of a traceroute can be misleading.  

Firewalls and Security Appliances

Modern firewalls often filter out or deprioritize ICMP and UDP probes, leading to incomplete paths and significant packet loss. This filtering misleads users into believing there is an issue with the network when, in reality, it might just be the security configurations causing the disruption.

Load Balancing

Load balancing is a network design technique that allows data to traverse a network over multiple paths, thus maximizing the usage of the bandwidth of the available infrastructure.  Load balancing can route packets along different paths, further distorting the results shown by traceroute.

Network Address Translation (NAT)

NAT modifies the IP address in the packet header as it passes through a router, making it difficult for traceroute to map the network path accurately. The change in IP addresses can result in misleading traceroute results, as the apparent source or destination IP address may not reflect the true network path.

Additional obstacles to traceroute

Although these are the most common network services and features that can interfere with traceroute, there are still others, including:

  • Asymmetric routing, where packets take different paths to and from a destination.
  • ICMP rate limiting or throttling can cause ICMP responses to be delayed or dropped, leading to false indications of high latency or packet loss.
  • QoS policies are used to prioritize or deprioritize certain types of traffic.  The packets used by traceroute may be deprioritized in favor of other traffic types, leading to inaccurate measurements of latency and packet loss
  • In virtualized environments or cloud networks, the physical network path might not directly correspond to the virtualized network path that traceroute sees. Additionally, the internal routing within a cloud provider's infrastructure might not be fully visible to the user, resulting in misrepresented tracereoute results.

These issues have motivated the development of Catchpoint’s traceroute alternatives that can bypass such obstacles and provide more accurate results. These alternatives are described further below:

Catchpoint’s Alternative

Catchpoint has developed several alternatives to overcome the limitations of traditional traceroute, leveraging the TCP protocol to avoid filtering by firewalls and mitigate issues with load balancers. One such tool is Traceroute InSession, designed to establish a complete TCP session between the source and the destination before performing the traceroute. This method ensures firewalls see the probes as part of a legitimate, established session, allowing the traceroute to bypass most security filters.

Another key innovation is the use of Selective Acknowledgment (SACK), which improves the accuracy of tracing by allowing the mapping of returning ACKs (Acknowledgements) to the original probes. This technique, inspired by tools like tracebox, enables more precise tracking of the route by overcoming issues caused by out-of-order packet delivery. Catchpoint’s enhancements also include an initial sequential TCP ping, which helps to differentiate between real packet loss and delayed ACKs, further refining the accuracy of the traceroute results.

Understanding Pietrasanta Traceroute

Pietrasanta Traceroute, another Catchpoint innovation, was developed to meet the growing demands of modern network monitoring. Named after the Italian town where the team developed it, this tool is an evolution of traditional traceroute, specifically designed to address the challenges posed by firewalls and load balancers. Originally built for Linux, Pietrasanta Traceroute is now available on Windows through the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), making it accessible to a broader user base.

Pietrasanta Traceroute provides several advantages over traditional traceroute tools. It is faster, more versatile, and supports multiple protocols including UDP, TCP, and QUIC, which helps in clearer path identification. One of its standout features is the TCP InSession traceroute, which prevents false packet loss by simulating actual application packet traffic. This makes it an invaluable tool for troubleshooting and analyzing network paths, especially in environments with complex security configurations.

Moreover, Pietrasanta Traceroute offers advanced capabilities such as ECN and L4S analysis for assessing network congestion and throughput. These features are crucial for modern networks, where performance and reliability are key. The tool also includes improvements in path MTU performance and hop-by-hop ToS/DSCP reporting, making it a comprehensive solution for network diagnostics.

Looking More Closely at TCP InSession Traceroute

The TCP InSession traceroute is a significant advancement in network diagnostics. Unlike traditional TCP traceroute, which uses SYN packets that could be interpreted as part of a SYN flood attack by firewalls, TCP InSession traceroute first establishes a legitimate TCP connection with the destination. It then sends small data packets with incrementing TTLs within this session, ensuring that the probes are perceived as regular traffic rather than a potential threat.

This method offers several advantages. First, because the probes belong to an established session, they are more likely to traverse the same network path, reducing the variability introduced by load balancers. This consistency provides a clearer and more accurate map of the network route. Second, by sending only one SYN packet per session, the TCP InSession traceroute minimizes the risk of being blocked by firewall protection rules, which is a common issue with other traceroute techniques.

However, there are some drawbacks that should be considered. The primary limitation is that TCP InSession requires an application to actively listen on the destination port to establish a TCP session. This means that it cannot be used to trace routes to destinations where no service is running on the targeted port. Despite this, TCP InSession traceroute remains a powerful tool for network engineers, offering a reliable and secure way to diagnose network paths in environments where traditional traceroute methods fall short.

Get started with Cathpoint’s Traceroute today

While the native traceroute tools available on Windows, Linux, and macOS provide a useful starting point for diagnosing network paths and identifying potential issues, they are increasingly limited by modern network complexities. These limitations can lead to misleading results, making it difficult for network engineers to diagnose and troubleshoot problems accurately.

Catchpoint’s enhanced traceroute solutions, including Pietrasanta Traceroute and TCP InSession Traceroute, offer significant improvements over traditional methods. By leveraging advanced techniques, these tools provide a more accurate and reliable picture of network performance. They are particularly effective in environments where security measures and network policies interfere with standard traceroute results.

While it is advisable to use the native traceroute capabilities for basic diagnostics, for more precise and dependable analysis, especially in complex or highly secured network environments, Catchpoint’s alternatives are a superior choice. These tools enable network professionals to navigate the intricacies of modern networks and ensure a clearer understanding of network paths, ultimately leading to more effective troubleshooting and optimized network performance.

Further reading:

Catchpoint’s network reachability solutions page.
